The GPP Benefits Package
At A Glance

GPP Benefits

GPP Benefits

The Green Performance Pledge (GPP) empowers tenants and helps them achieve their ambitious ESG goals via environmental data sharing, and the exchange of knowledge and expertise. 

The GPP gives tenants access to a multitude of cutting-edge and data-driven tools and technologies. These tools facilitate performance benchmarking and joint-action planning, enabling tenants to continuously enhance their performance and gain recognition at our annual awards presentation ceremony. 

The GPP Academy, a three-year collaboration with the Business Environment Council (BEC), offers office tenants quarterly learning experiences to tap extensive industry knowledge; encourages the sharing of best practices; and inspires impactful action.

Smart Energy Meter
Smart energy metres allow GPP tenants to continuously monitor their energy consumption pattern(s) and help identify potential energy savings – such as idle energy wasted during non-working hours.
Smart Energy Meter | GPP Benefits
Smart Water Meter
Smart water metres allow GPP tenants to continuously monitor their water consumption pattern(s) – promoting water efficiency and raising awareness on water conservation.
Smart Water Meter | GPP Benefits
Water Flow Restrictor
Water flow tests and flow restrictor retrofits are quick wins for GPP tenants – allowing them to easily improve water usage efficiency.
Water Flow Restrictor | GPP Benefits
Sustainable Fit-out Programme
GPP tenants enjoy user-friendly templates and a comprehensive SD Fit-Out Technical Guideline. We also advise and validate tenants’ SD fit-out features and provide recognition for efforts to design a sustainable workplace.
Sustainable Fit-out Technical Programme | GPP Benefits
Smart Waste Monitoring
Pioneering smart waste monitoring programmes such as the Smart Waste Reduction Challenge and Smart Mobile Scale Programme are easy and effective ways for GPP tenants in Hong Kong to collect digital waste data.
Smart Waste Monitoring | GPP Benefits
Free Energy Audit
Our tenants have enjoyed free energy audits since 2008. This comprehensive process ensures a deep-dive into tenants’ energy usage pattern(s) and helps them identify energy-saving opportunities.
Free Energy Audit | GPP Benefits
GPP Academy
The GPP Academy offers tenants quarterly learning experiences that that gives them access to extensive industry knowledge and networks, and opportunities to learn about and share best practices.
GPP Academy | GPP Benefits
Joint Action Planning
All tenants can join a tailored action-planning workshop to better understand their sustainability performance and begin their sustainability journey.
Joint Action Planning | GPP Benefits
Data Sharing and Insights
The Tenant Portal allows tenants to easily monitor and benchmark their energy, water and waste data. Based on this data, the GPP team will offer actionable suggestions to help tenants reach their sustainability goals.
Data Sharing and Insights | GPP Benefits
Joint Marketing Opportunity
GPP also provides joint marketing opportunities to celebrate exceptional accomplishments and raise awareness on successful landlord-tenant collaborations.
Joint Marketing Opportunity | GPP Benefits
Annual Award Presentation
An award presentation is organised as part of the annual GPP to recognise GPP tenants’ sustainability efforts and achievements.
Annual Award Presentation | GPP Benefits

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